7 de marzo de 2008

Instrucciones para tener Hiren´s Boot Cd en una USB (En Ingles).

Step 1
Put the BootCD 8 or newer in CD Drive

If you want to extract boot files from iso then Download extract-boot-files.zip
Extract and open readme for more instruction. and skip to step 4

Step 2
Start Mini Windows 98

Step 3
Copy Files From A:\ (Floppy Drive) using Explorer to C:\USB and Restart Computer to normal Windows

Note: if you can not see your hard drive from mini windows 98 then you will need a blank floppy disk.
click Start > Turn Off > Exit to Dos and type COPY A:\*.* B:\
Now remove floppy and Restart Computer to your normal Windows and insert your floppy disk
and copy all files from floppy disk to C:\USB

Step 4
Download USB Disk Storage Format USB Disk Storage Format (34KB)

Note: USB Disk Storage Format works on xp, for windows 98 Go to My computer and
Right click on the USB Drive and click on format. You will need a USB Flash Drive 128MB or more

Step 5
Copy All Files From C:\USB to Your USB Flash Drive
Please note: Do not overwrite IO.SYS when it prompts
Delete JO.SYS from USB Drive (NOT IO.SYS)

Step 6
Copy \BOOTCD folder to Your USB Drive

Step 7
Test Your USB Drive

Dato Inutil: "...sabias que los premios Ig Nobel son una parodia de los premios Nobel, que suelen entregarse en la misma fecha que los originales, y que galardonan logros de investigaciones risibles, inusuales e imaginativas"

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